Life in Japan

Health and Safety

Earthquake Preparedness:What to Do if it Happens in Japan?

Japan is one of the most earthquake-prone countries in the world. However, its buildings are strong, and earthquake measures are well developed. By learning about earthquake preparedness and what actions to take during an earthquake, you can minimise the damage.

4 Basic Types of Ramen and Regional Specialties

Learn about the 4 basic types of ramen such as shoyu, miso, tonkotsu, and shio ramen, and as well as local ramen such as Hakata ramen and Sapporo ramen, and modern styles of ramen such as tsukemen, mazemen and more!
Health and Safety

Best English Speaking Hospital and Clinic in Tokyo

Looking for English-speaking medical services in Tokyo? This guide helps you find hospitals listed on JMIP and JIH, along with clinics that offer services in multiple languages, ensuring smooth medical experiences for foreign patients.
Health and Safety

Health-related Japanese words and expressions

To live safely and confidently in Japan, it's crucial to learn basic Japanese health-related words and expressions. This article covers essential terms for body parts, symptoms, common illnesses, and more, which are helpful for effective communication in hospitals and emergency situations.

Family restaurants in Japan | Japanese, Western, and Chinese Chains

Japanese family restaurants offer a diverse range of cuisines, including Japanese, Western, and Chinese dishes. This article introduces some popular chains in Japan such as Ootoya, Saizeriya, Gusto, Bamiyan and more.
General info

Major payment method in Japan 2024

In Japan, in addition to cash and credit cards, a wide variety of payment methods such as Suica, PayPay, and Edy, which are the latest electronic money and mobile payment systems, are rapidly becoming popular.

What is Dango? The Deep Guide to Traditional Japanese Sweets

Delve into the world of dango, traditional Japanese sweets, exploring their types, culture, and where to enjoy them. This is a guide to help you have a better dango eating experience.

Japanese Ingredients & Seasonings You Must Try in Japan

Japanese ingredients and seasonings are renowned worldwide for their uniqueness, aroma, and nutritional value. This guide introduces typical ingredients, detailing their taste and characteristics.
General info

Climate of Major Cities in Japan: Hokkaido, Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka, and Okinawa

The article introduces and compares the diverse climates of major Japanese cities such as Hokkaido, Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka, and Okinawa. Use it to choose where to live in Japan and find the best season to visit.
General info

Electricity in Japan: Plug Type, Voltage, and Frequency

Discover Japan's plug types, voltage, and frequency for a safe stay. Essential information for residents and travelers.