Useful Japanese Words and Phrases When Renting an apartment in Japan

a girl is talking with a real estate agency staff Property

For foreigners who don’t speak Japanese, using real estate agencies with English support makes renting an apartment in Japan easier. However, such agencies are often limited to major cities or handle a small number of properties. In any case, understanding the words and expressions related to renting an apartment will definitely make life much easier for those planning to reside in Japan. This article shows Japanese words and phrases that are useful for people looking for a place to live in Japan or simply learning Japanese.

Our website offers a variety of information on renting apartments in Japan. If you’d like to have deeper knowledge on this topic, please check out our other articles on property in Japan.

Useful Japanese Words When Renting an Apartment

Basic Words Related to Apartment Rental

  • 賃貸 (Chintai) : Rent
  • 物件 (Bukken) : Property
  • 内見 (Naiken) : Property viewing
  • 引っ越し (Hikkoshi) : Moving
  • 鍵 (Kagi) : Key

Words Related to Property Structure

  • アパート (Apaato) : Apartment
  • マンション (Manshon) : Condominium
  • 木造 (Mokuzou) : Wooden structure
  • 間取り (Madori) : Layout of the apartment
  • 洋室 (Youshitsu) : Western-style room
  • 和室 (Washitsu) : Japanese-style room
  • リビング (Ribingu) : Living room
  • 玄関 (Genkan) : Entrance
  • バルコニー (Barukonii) : Balcony
  • 階段 (Kaidan) : Stairs
  • エレベーター (Erebeetaa) : Elevator
  • トイレ (Toire) : Toilet
  • お風呂場 (Oburoba) : Bathroom

Words Related to Property Facilities

  • エアコン (Eakon) : Air conditioner
  • オートロック (Ootorokku) : Automatic lock
  • インターホン (Intaahon) : Intercom
  • 駐車場 (Chuushajou) : Parking lot
  • ガスコンロ (Gasukonro) : Gas stove
  • 洗濯機置き場 (Sentakuki Okiba) : Washing machine space
  • ゴミ捨て場 (Gomisuteba) : Trash disposal area
  • 水道 (Suidou): Water supply
  • 電気 (Denki): Electricity

Terms Related to Lease Contracts

  • 家賃 (Yachin) : Rent fee
  • 敷金 (Shikikin) : Deposit
  • 礼金 (Reikin) : Key money
  • 仲介手数料 (Chuukai Tesuuryou) : Agent fee
  • 管理費 (Kanrihi) : Maintenance fee
  • 契約書 (Keiyakusho) : Contract
  • 保証人 (Hoshounin) : Guarantor
  • 保険 (Hoken) : Insurance
  • 更新 (Koushin) : Renewal
  • 契約期間 (Keiyaku Kikan) : Contract period

Phrases to Help You For a Property Hunting

  • 「~のアパートはありますか?」 (~ no apaato wa arimasu ka?) : Do you have a ~apartments?
  • 「~付きの物件がいいです。」 (~ tsuki no bukken ga ii desu.) : I prefer an apartment with ~.
  • 「~に近い物件を希望します。」 (~ ni chikai bukken wo kibou shimasu.) : I would like an apartment close to ~.
  • 「家賃はいくらですか?」 (Yachin wa ikura desu ka?) : How much is the rent?
  • 「敷金と礼金は必要ですか?」 (Shikikin to reikin wa hitsuyou desu ka?) : Are deposit and key money required?
  • 「保証人が必要ですか?」 (Hoshounin ga hitsuyou desu ka?) : Do I need a guarantor?
  • 「内見をしたいです。」 (Naiken wo shitai desu.) : I would like to take a property viewing.

By learning these words and phrases introduced in this article, you can communicate reasonably well even without English-speaking real estate services. Use this word list to find an ideal apartment for you.

Written by

✔ Professional Travel planner
✔ Certified Japanese teacher
✔ Web writer in tourism

Born in Tokyo, Japan, have lived in many places both in Japan and around the world, and currently reside in France.
I love sharing fun and helpful tips about Japan and the Japanese language, whether you're planning a visit or already living there!

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