Japanese Kanji List: 51-100 Frequently Used Kanji

frequently used kanji in Japanese from 51 to 100 Grammar

Have you already mastered the “Top 50 Frequently Used Kanji“? Great! Now, let’s move on to the next step. Here, we’ve put together a list of the next 50 most important kanji for you to learn.

This list was carefully curated by a native speaker, taking into account factors such as frequency, the difficulty, and how useful they are for Japanese learners. We also referred to the “Frequency of Kanji Usage Survey” conducted by the Agency for Cultural Affairs.

You can download this list for free as a PDF file.

Frequently Used Kanji List 51-100

If you’re a completely beginner and just starting to learn kanji, begin with the “First 50 Kanji to Learn.”

Kanji Related to People

people icon
fuchichifather人間(ningen) – human
あの人(ano-hito) – that person
bohahamother私立(shiritsu) ‐ private (establishment)
私達(watashitachi) – we

Kanji Related to Body

hand icon
jimimiear耳 (mimi) – ear
耳鼻科 (jibika) – otorhinolaryngology
sokuashileg, foot足 (ashi) – leg, foot
遠足 (ensoku) – excursion

Kanji Related to Directions and Places

houkatadirection, person方法 (houhou) – method
味方 (mikata) – ally
touhigashieast東 (higashi) – east
東京 (toukyou) – Tokyo
西sei, sainishiwest西 (nishi) – west
西洋 (seiyou) -western
nanminamisouth南 (minami) – south
南極 (nankyoku) – Antarctica
hokukitanorth北 (kita) – north
北海道 (hokkaidou) – Hokkaido

Kanji Related to Actions

action icon
ritsuta(tsu)stand意立つ (tatsu) – to stand
立場 (tachiba) – standpoint
kyuuyasu(mu)rest休む (yasumu) – to rest
休日 (kyuujitsu) – holiday
wahana(-su)talk, story会話(kai-wa) – conversation
話す(hana-su) – to talk, to speak
shoka(-ku)write辞書(ji-sho) – dictionary
書く(ka-ku) – to write

Kanji Related to Nature

nature icon
dotsuchiearth, soil土曜日 (doyoubi) – Saturday
土 (tsuchi) – soil
senkawariver川 (kawa) – river
川岸 (kawagishi) – riverbank
dentarice field田んぼ (tanbo) – rice field
田舎 (inaka) – countryside
chi, jiearth, ground地図 (chizu) – map
地面 (jimen) – ground
seki, kokuishistone石 (ishi) – stone
石油 (sekiyu) – petroleum
uamerain雨 (ame) – rain
雨季 (uki) – rainy season
sekiyuuevening夕方 (yuugata) – evening
夕日 (yuuhi) – sunset
kahanaflower花 (hana) – flower
花火 (hanabi) – fireworks

Kanji Related to Numbers

numbers icon
shiyon, yofour四月 (shigatsu) – April
四角 (shikaku) – square
goitsufive五月 (gogatsu) – May
五円 (goen) – 5 yen
rokumusix六月 (rokugatsu) – June
六つ (muttsu) – six (things)
shichinanaseven七月 (shichigatsu) – July
七日 (nanoka) – 7th day
hachiyaeight八月 (hachigatsu) – August
八百屋 (yaoya) – greengrocer
kyuu, kukokononine九月 (kugatsu) – September
九日 (kokonoka) – 9th day
hyakuhundred百円 (hyakuen) – 100 yen
百年 (hyakunen) – 100 years
senchithousand千円 (sen-en) – 1000 yen
千年 (sennen) – 1000 years
manten thousand一万円 (ichiman-en) – 10,000 yen


nikumeat肉 (niku) – meat
牛肉 (gyuniku) – beef
gyosakanafish魚 (sakana) – fish
金魚 (kingyo) – goldfish
bei, maikomerice米 (kome) – rice
南米 (nanbei) – South America


anyasu(i)cheap, peaceful安い (yasui) – cheap
安心 (anshin) – relief
taoo(i)many多い (ooi) – many
多数 (tasuu) – majority
shousuku(nai), suko(shi)few, little少ない (sukunai) – few
少年 (shounen) – boy
hanhalf半分 (hanbun) – half
半年 (hantoshi) – half a year

Other Kanji

other icon
goua(u)fit, match合計 (goukei) – total
合う (au) – to fit, to match
kahifire火曜日 (kayoubi) – Tuesday
火事 (kaji) – fire (incident)
kinkanegold, money金曜日(kinyoubi) – friday
お金(okane) – money
riki, ryokuchikarapower, strength力 (chikara) – power
努力 (doryoku) – effort
kouschool学校 (gakkou) – school
校長 (kouchou) – principal
kaie, uchi, yahome家族(ka-zoku) – family
家(ie) – home, house
sensakibefore, ahead先生 (sensei) – teacher
先月 (sengetsu) – last month
keninudog犬 (inu) – dog
子犬 (koinu) – puppy
kousu(ku), kono(mu)like, fond好き (suki) – like
好む (konomu) – to prefer
butsu, motsumonothing, object買い物 (kaimono) – shopping
荷物 (nimotsu) – luggage
shakurumacar, wheel電車(densha) – train
車(kuruma) – car
gen, ganmotoorigin, former元気 (genki) – healthy, energetic
元日 (ganjitsu) – New Year’s Day
nani, nanwhat何? (nani?) – what?
何時(nanji) – what time

When learning Japanese, it’s important to study in a balanced way, starting with the most useful and easiest elements. We’ve outlined the most efficient and effective learning steps in another article you might find helpful: Effective Japanese Learning: 13 Steps from Beginner to Pre-intermediate.

And don’t forget to download the kanji list too!

Written by

✔ Professional Travel planner
✔ Certified Japanese teacher
✔ Web writer in tourism

Born in Tokyo, Japan, have lived in many places both in Japan and around the world, and currently reside in France.
I love sharing fun and helpful tips about Japan and the Japanese language, whether you're planning a visit or already living there!

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